Rainbow Six Siege heads to Britain as Ubisoft tackles toxicity: What to expect in Season 11's Operation Grim Sky

Rainbow Six Siege UK Hereford

Rainbow Six Siege’s Season 10 has been one to remember, with the emergence of Villa and its two new Italian operators, along with a more competitive Pro League and a new summer major.
With the end of Rainbow 6 Siege Season 10 in sight, Craig Robinson checks out all the new features coming in season 11.

The map: Hereford Base

Hereford Base is Siege’s first ever map created by Ubisoft that’s only available in casual play – and now it’s getting reworked. The map has struggled with strategic depth due to the lack of vertical gameplay and access to floors.
In the past season, the map has been remade from the ground up. What resembles the old front is mainly the outside spawns, with the rest completely revamped. Expect more destruction, wooden flooring, rooms, corridors and stairs.
In addition, Consulate is the second map to receive a rework. Like Club House, Consulate will have rooms altered, windows changed and objectives re-positioned to make more sites viable and competitive.

The new operators: Clash and Maverick

2 new ops
Season 11 returns us to Britain, and what a better way to enter by bringing in a UK-themed riot police officer? Clash (right) is the first female operator to wield a shield, and to use it on defence. She brings a Montage style 180-degree shield, but with added zap. Her shield fires taser bolts to limit her opponent’s movement speed, dealing light damage, and controls objectives.
We have an interview with Siege designer, Leroy Athanassoff, over the design and identity of Clash coming soon.
We also get a new American on the frontline. Maverick (left) is this edition’s attacker who carries a blow torch to penetrate reinforced structures. This ability is best utilised for creating line of sight rather than full breaching reinforced structures, although I wouldn’t mind doing a Darth Vader-style entrance with him!
On top of that, this blow torch is quiet, which will create the upper hand in a fight if you’re not aware of his presence.


Coming in Season 11 is a change to how hatch destruction works. To fully destroy a hatch, players must commit a full Termite and Hibana charge to reinforced hatches.
Players must also pledge their shotgun, breaching charge and other operator-specific abilities to unarmoured hatches. Otherwise, hatches will be partially blown up based on where the gadget was used.


Ubisoft is tightening its grip to restrict player toxicity and unfair advantages. Alongside voice mute, text mute will now make an appearance. Furthermore, Ubisoft has made it a requirement to enable two-factor authentication to play ranked. This will restrict the flow of bought accounts, smurfs, cheaters and toxic players, due to how the process works.

Pilot programmes

Bundle ENUK
As announced last season, the main esports organisations in the game are receiving themed skins and charms based on their house style.
Ubisoft has announced these will be making their way to the in-game store in Season 11. The skins and charms will provide the brand with 30% of the revenue, with an additional 10% of that revenue going into the prize pool for the 2019 Invitational.
There will presumably be another wave of team skins and charms coming in future content updates.
The new maps and ops land in September.

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